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Listing Courtesy Of: Keller Williams Group One Inc., Marshall Johnson
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Group One, Inc.
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1245 Goldstone Rd, Reno, NV 89508
3 Beds
3 Baths
sq ft
1245 Goldstone Rd, Reno, NV 89508
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
3 Beds
3 Baths
sq ft
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Property Description

Unique and off the grid among miles of sage and juniper pines, 55+ acres surround this beautiful home. Incredible architecture and unparalleled views are what make this home stand out among the rest. A lovely patio and garden surround the front of the home, which is a stunning marriage of warm stucco exterior and mirrored windows reflecting the western skies. The inviting entryway of Spanish tile and stone archways set the tone for this amazing desert home. A must-see the one you've been looking for... A cozy living room with a fireplace, and a kitchen with an island feels warm and inviting and offers window views at every turn. A second downstairs living room has floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. The adjoining bar/kitchen area has bay windows, emerald green tiles, a refrigerator, a sink, and a vented barbecue area. Upstairs is where you can take in the stunning views, a curved wall of windows from the first to second-floor lines the upstairs hallway, which is a stunning sight. There are 2 primary suites on the second level, each enjoying an ensuite bathroom with showers that take in the spectacular views, and their own individual balconies. Outside is a raised deck to enjoy the outdoors. This home is on solar with a battery storage room, and has a water storage tank. If you have been looking for space to get away from it all, this home is just remote enough to offer peace and privacy, while remaining just a short drive to the conveniences of downtown Reno.

Property Details

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Property Type
Single Family Residence
Property Size
sq ft
Year Built
Days on Site
809 Days
Propane, Solar, Wall Heater, Fireplace
Your Agent
NV RE Lic# S.0040433

Activity History

Data provided by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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No open houses are currently scheduled for this property. Don't worry - you can always schedule a tour, or get additional help from your agent.

Estimated Monthly Payment

Purchase Price:
Principal + Interest
Property Tax
Home Insurance
HOA/Condo Fee
Mortgage Insurance
Purchase Price
Purchase price has been changed to something other than the currently listed price.
Down Payment
Interest Rate
Loan Type
Property Tax
Home Insurance /year
HOA/Condo Fees /month
Mortgage Insurance /month
Credit Score
This calculator is just an estimate. Contact Keller Williams for full and accurate assessment.

Price & Tax History

Price Increase
(+ )
Price Decrease
(- )
Price Decrease
(- )
Price Decrease
(- )
Price Decrease
(- )
Property Tax
Assessed Value
Assessed Value is a combination of the land and additions.
(+ )
Land 41,160 + Additions 50,998
(- )
Land 30,135 + Additions 43,756
(+ )
Land 30,135 + Additions 43,756
(+ )
Land 29,400 + Additions 42,848
Land 29,400 + Additions 42,395
The Property History data displayed is obtained from public records and/or MLS feeds from the local jurisdiction in which the applicable property is located. As kw.com cannot guarantee that all public records and MLS data is accurate and error-free, it is important that you contact your agent directly in order to obtain the most up-to-date information available.
Your Agent
NV RE Lic# S.0040433

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