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ライセンス #: SL302112 - FL / Valerie Selby P.A. & AssociatesでのRealtor


Having spent more than 40 years in professional real estate sales, there is no one you can trust more with your real estate needs.

South Florida Real Estate’s draw has always been lifestyle. From the sandy beaches to the art and culture of our city centers, our unique locale offers so much to a wide variety of families. You can count on my expertise to find the property or the buyer that is just right for you. Throughout Palm Beach and Broward counties in Southeast Florida, I specialize in residential single family, condominium, country club, and waterfront properties.

My experience is not limited to residential locations. As an affiliate member of Relo Alliance with 10 years experience and a specialist in corporate relocation, I have been recognized by the top corporate relocation firms in the country for my success in the sales and marketing of their Florida properties.

Also having been ranked among the top 1% of all real estate sales associates nationwide, you want to entrust your listing to someone who takes your business as serious as you do. As a "Mega Million Dollar Producer" I have achieved over $200 million dollars in sales, and annually list and sell between 35 and 60 properties per year, maximizing value for my clientele.

言語 English
専門分野と指定 Luxury, Real Estate Salesperson
マーケットセンター Boca Raton East
Boca Raton East
2424 N. Federal Highway, Suite 150 Boca Raton, FL 33431

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